ATSC helps design and build Landsat
7 Ground Station
The Landsat 7 Ground Station (LGS) located at the EROS Data Center (EDC) in Sioux Falls, SD. provides a means for the capture and recovery of Landsat 7 spacecraft Enhanced Thematic Mapper-Plus (ETM+) image data, for processing through the Landsat 7 Processing System (LPS), also located at the EDC facility. The LGS captures up to three simultaneous X-Band (wideband) downlinks to support Landsat 7 image data recovery, and supports record and playback of the data in addition to real time output of the data to LPS. Wideband data processing includes the playback of ETM+ data, recorded at other ground stations, using the LGS wideband recorders to play the data back into the LPS.
In addition to the X-Band downlinks, LGS supports spacecraft command and telemetry processing by the capture and recovery of narrowband real-time telemetry and spacecraft recorder dump data. The narrowband link is captured at S-Band, and the recovered data streams sent to users at the Mission Operations Center (MOC) located at GSFC. In the event of data loss between LGS and the MOC, the LGS provides a recording of the recovered real-time and recorder dump data that is available for post pass playback. LGS also provides narrowband S-Band uplink support for commanding the Landsat 7 spacecraft remotely from the MOC. Lastly, the LGS measures the S-Band doppler track characteristics for each pass and sends the results to the MOC to support the refinement of Landsat 7 orbital ephemeris.
ATSC was the prime contractor for NASA to build the upgraded station. The station includes a 13-meter S-Band antenna furnished by Datron/Transco, four racks of equipment providing rf and telemetry uplink and downlink, and a remote control capability whereby the station equipment can be controlled and monitored from PC workstations.
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